Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Ayurveda teaches that health is maintained through balancing the three subtle energies in our bodies - Doshas, which are made up of different combinations of the five elements. The Ayurvedic system is about the maintenance and protection of the whole person (body, mind and soul) rather than focus and treatment of disease. The doshas are important for health because when they are in balance, the body is healthy, when imbalanced, the body has diseases. Each human holds a unique combination of Doshas. Correct lifestyle and food choices creates a healthy metabolic system, good digestion and excretion, which leads to health and vitality.

The five elements:
  1. space
  2. air
  3. earth
  4. fire
  5. water

The three Doshas:

Vatha is a combination of air and space.

Pitta is mostly fire with some water.

Kapha is mostly water with some earth.

There are various tests available in books and online to find out which Dosha you are.

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